Memorial Day Trivia Questions and Answers
Question: What city is known as the birthplace of Memorial Day?Answer: Waterloo, New York Question: Memorial Day was originally known as what?Answer: Decoration Day Question: Memorial Day was first recognized on what date?Answer: May 30, 1868 Question: When was Memorial Day named as such by the federal government?Answer: 1967 Question: What act moved Memorial Day from May 30 to the last Monday in May each year?Answer: The Uniform Monday Holiday Act Question: When did Memorial Day move from May 30 to the last Monday in May?Answer: 1971 Question: Arlington National Cemetery used to be a plantation belonging to whom?Answer: Robert E. Lee Question: Who spoke at the first Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery?Answer: James A. Garfield Question: When was the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery established?Answer: Nov. 11, 1921 Question: What poem inspired the tradition of wearing and planting poppy blossoms for Memorial Day?Answer: “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae Question: “In Flanders Fields” was inspired by a battle in which war?Answer: World War I Question: Confederate Memorial Day is recognized in which states?Answer: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia Question: The National Moment of Remembrance takes place at what time each Memorial Day?Answer: 3 p.m. local time Question: Which president signed the National Moment of Remembrance Act?Answer: Bill Clinton Question: Memorial Day initially only honored the fallen from which war?Answer: The American Civil War Question: Who is credited with creating Memorial Day?Answer: General John A. Logan Question: How should American flags mark Memorial Day?Answer: At half-staff until noon, then at full staff until sundown Question: When was “Taps” written?Answer: 1862 Question: Memorial Day is held in May for what reason?Answer: So flowers will be in bloom to decorate soldiers’ graves Question: How many participants decorated graves for the first Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery?Answer: 5,000 Question: How many fallen soldiers were honored at the first Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery?Answer: 20,000 Question: One of the very first ceremonies to honor fallen Union Civil War soldiers was held on May 1, 1865, by whom in what city?Answer: Freed slaves and U.S. Colored Troops in Charleston, South Carolina Question: Which senator and World War II veteran fought to return Memorial Day to May 30 until his death in 2012?Answer: Senator Daniel Inouye Question: Which historical monument was dedicated on Memorial Day in 1922?Answer: The Lincoln Memorial Question: The ancient Greeks marked one of the earliest displays of honoring fallen soldiers in which war?Answer: The Peloponnesian War Question: How many total Americans died in the Civil War?Answer: About 620,000 Question: About how many Americans visit Arlington National Cemetery each year?Answer: About 40 million Question: When there was a shortage of natural poppies in 1924, which city was the first to manufacture artificial poppies?Answer: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Question: The annual biker rally in Washington, D.C. each Memorial Day is called what?Answer: The Rolling Thunder Run Question: The Rolling Thunder Run is aimed at raising awareness of what?Answer: Prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action Next, find out how to help veterans, soldiers and their families.