Whether you have always been a hard-core apple fan or you are just getting started, these 50 apple orchard Instagram captions will be apple-cable to you!

Funny Apple Orchard Captions 

  1. Don’t be such a crab apple!
  2. Nothing is more tempting than an apple.
  3. I’ll have to mull that one over.
  4. Eating is more a-peel-ing than picking.
  5. Don’t upset the applecart by biting off more than you can chew.
  6. I can’t de-cider if I want to go to the gala.
  7. If you plant crab apple seeds, don’t expect a crop as sweet as Honeycrisp.
  8. Black and white and red all apple.
  9. Fuji and Macintosh are a whole nother breed of apples.
  10. I’ll just hop in my applecart and go h-apple-y on my way.
  11. I’ve de-cider-ed to eat green.
  12. Give me some apple-ause.
  13. I didn’t mean to get so apple-sauced.

Sweet Apple Orchard Captions 

  1. A peck on the cheek for the apple of my eye.
  2. You’re as sweet as apple pie.
  3. You are the caramel to my apple.
  4. Come be-cider me and stay awhile.
  5. An apple a day keeps the teacher happy.
  6. Forget about the salad and take me to the Waldorf.
  7. The orchard is almost as fun as mulling around in the Big Apple.
  8. I’m sticking with apple picking, you can try the pie.
  9. I can’t de-cider want I like more, apple bobbing or corn cobbing.
  10. Apples are red, roses are too, red is the color for I love you.
  11. My Honeycrisp and I drove down to the apple grove.
  12. I apple-ied for several jobs but only s-cored one.

Cute Apple Orchard Instagram Captions

  1. Applejack be nimble, applejack be quick, applejack jumped over a cinnamon stick.
  2. I got a little apple-sauced from drinking all that applejack.
  3. I wanted to work my core but instead had apple pie.
  4. If your h-apple-y and you know it, shop the stands.
  5. We go together like cider and donuts.
  6. I guess gala isn’t apple-cable to technology.
  7. Apple red, white and blue is as American as apple pie.
  8. Slice them, core them, peel them but don’t throw them to just anyone.
  9. I’m not the bad apple, and you’re not the Honeycrisp.
  10. It’s easy to get juiced up for apple picking.
  11. I can easily get by on cider and apple pie.
  12. If we’re comparing apples to apples, I choose cider.
  13. One smart apple is better than a whole school of fish.

Clever Apple Orchard Captions For Instagram

  1. The orchard is full of red apples to eat and the choice of flavors can’t be beat.
  2. I found my Honeycrisp while picking through the apple trees.
  3. Tart and juicy or mellow and sweet, any red apple is a treat to eat.
  4. Red-y for fall and having a ball.
  5. I cry, you cry, we all cry for apple pie.
  6. If the crab apple didn’t fall far from the tree, what does that make you?
  7. An apple wrapped in caramel is as cozy as a person wrapped in flannel.
  8. A is for apple—the rest isn’t necessary.
  9. If life gives you rotten apples, make applesauce.
  10. I love my sweet little Rockit apples.
  11. That bad apple is rotten to the core.
  12. An apple orchard with cider is like a choice vineyard with wine.  Next up, 21 Best Fall Candles to Welcome Autumn and Bring Coziness Into Your Home

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