Presidential Trivia Questions and Answers
Question: Which of the first 12 presidents was the first to not own slaves? Answer: John Adams Question: Which president was the last to own slaves? Answer: Ulysses S. Grant Question: Who is the oldest living president? Answer: Jimmy Carter Question: What president lived the longest? Answer: Jimmy Carter Question: Who was the first president to die in office? Answer: William Henry Harrison Question: Which president warned against political parties, long-term foreign alliances and strict geographical divides in his farewell address? Answer: George Washington Question: Which president banned alcohol from the White House at the behest of his first lady? Answer: Rutherford B. Hayes Question: Which president survived an assassination attempt 69 days into his term? Answer: Ronald Reagan Question: Which president organized the Citizens Cornet Band to play at political rallies for both parties? Answer: Warren G. Harding Question: Which president posed with a newspaper that declared his opponent the winner of their election? Answer: Harry S. Truman Question: Which president purchased the land that’s now southern Arizona and part of southern New Mexico? Answer: Franklin Pierce Question: Which president was described as “so honest that if you turned his soul inside out there would not be a spot on it?” Answer: James Monroe Question: Which president served as vice president for his political nemesis? Answer: Thomas Jefferson (for John Adams) Question: Author Washington Irving described which president as “a withered little apple-john?” Answer: James Madison Question: Which president served two non-consecutive terms? Answer: Grover Cleveland Question: Which president used slave labor to build his Hermitage residence near Nashville? Answer: Andrew Jackson Question: Author Patricia Reilly Giff’s series of children’s novels take place in an elementary school named after which president? Answer: James K. Polk Question: Which president also served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Answer: William Howard Taft Question: Which president signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in the first known legislative effort to prevent monopolies? Answer: Benjamin Harrison Question: Who is the only president to be born on July 4? Answer: Calvin Coolidge Question: Which president succeeded the first president to ever resign from office? Answer: Gerald R. Ford Question: Who was the first Roman Catholic president? Answer: John F. Kennedy Question: Which vice president challenged who would later be their running mate over his stance on school segregation? Answer: Kamala Harris Question: Which president was known as a “little magician?” Answer: Martin Van Buren Question: Which president was elected to his second term after suffering a heart attack? Answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower Question: Which president was the fourth to win the Nobel Peace Prize? Answer: Barack Obama Question: Which president watched the Battle of Bunker Hill from his family farm as a child? Answer: John Quincy Adams Question: Which president is the first to have a rescue dog while in office? Answer: Joe Biden Question: Which president won re-election with the widest popular vote margin in history? Answer: Lyndon B. Johnson Question: Alexander Graham Bell tried desperately to help save the life of which president who’d been shot? Answer: James Garfield Question: Though his opponent won the popular vote, the Supreme Court eventually declared which president the victor of the Electoral College? Answer: George W. Bush Question: Which president began his second inaugural address with the words, “With malice toward none; with charity for all?” Answer: Abraham Lincoln Question: Whose presidency saw the creation of the Federal Trade Commission? Answer: Woodrow Wilson Question: Which president introduced the Social Security program? Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Question: Which president’s appeal was attributed to both his military record and his ownership of 100 slaves? Answer: Zachary Taylor Question: Which president was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in action in World War II? Answer: George H. W. Bush Question: Which president got stuck in a bathtub? Answer: William Howard Taft Question: Germany declared war on France just one week before which president planned to celebrate his 40th birthday in London? Answer: Herbert Hoover Question: Which president ended the draft? Answer: Richard Nixon Question: Which president has a middle initial that literally stands for nothing? Answer: Harry S. Truman Question: Which president founded the University of Virginia? Answer: Thomas Jefferson Question: Who was the first vice president to succeed the presidency upon death of their predecessor? Answer: John Tyler Question: Who was the first president to be born in the United States? Answer: Martin Van Buren Question: Who was the first president to campaign by telephone? Answer: William McKinley Question: Which president considered becoming a professional saxophone player before turning to politics? Answer: Bill Clinton Question: Which president was injured in the Revolutionary War? Answer: James Monroe Question: Which president oversaw the move of the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Answer: Donald Trump Question: Who was the first president to live in the White House? Answer: John Adams Question: Which president worked as a model for Cosmopolitan magazine in the 1940s? Answer: Gerald R. Ford Question: The term “O.K.” is derived from which president’s nickname? Answer: Martin Van Buren (Old Kinderhook) Want more great trivia? Check out 101 Trivia Questions for Kids, Movie TriviaandThe Office Trivia.