Morning affirmations can have an amazing impact on the rest of your day—and if you keep up with them, they can significantly improve the rest of your life. “To have the day you deserve, start your day by wishing yourself a good morning and asking yourself what you need today,” Dr. Arin N. Reeves JD, PhD, author of In Charge: The Energy Management Guide for Badass Women Who Are Tired of Being Tired, tells Parade. “What does your body need? What does your mind need? What does your spirit need? Starting the day by wishing yourself a good morning and asking yourself what you need reminds you that it is a good morning indeed, and if you are good today, you will have a good day.” That said, you’ll still have to do the work, Dr. Reeves notes. “There is no detour around or shortcut through this natural law. You have to be good for your day to be good. And, when you are good, you will bring that good energy to the people you care for, the goals you want to achieve, and the tasks on your to-do list,” she says. “You deserve a good day today, so start the day by prioritizing the only person who can make that happen for you.” Start by reciting these morning affirmations, including morning affirmations for success, morning affirmations for positivity and special morning affirmations for women. You deserve it and you’re worth it! (That last line would be a pretty awesome affirmation. Just saying!)

Morning Affirmations

  1. Today is a new day.
  2. Today is a fresh start.
  3. Today is a new page in my life story. 4. Today is my day. 5. Today I will do the best that I can. 6. Today I am letting the light in. 7. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. 8. I will make the most of this day. 9. I am one day closer to my ideal self. 10. I’m going to make today count. 11. I will do what I can today and know that it’s enough. 12. Carpe diem. 13. I will approach today with love. 14. I will follow my heart today. 15. Today I will live in my truth.

Morning Affirmations for Success

  1. I welcome new opportunities for prosperity.17. I am releasing all resistance to abundance.18. I will work towards at least one goal today.19. I deserve to thrive in my career.20. I will prioritize my work-life balance on this day.21. Today I will be the person I needed early in my career.22. I will learn one new thing today.23. I will take steps today to secure my financial future.24. I will embrace change at work.25. I will do at least one thing today to make life a little easier for myself tomorrow.26. I will be open to opportunities today.

Morning Affirmations for Positivity

27. Today brings an opportunity to be the change I want to see in the world.28. It’s a new day and a new chance to improve my own destiny.29. I will fight today for a brighter tomorrow.30. I will make today a day I look back on with a smile.31. Today I will treat myself the way I treat my best friend.32. Today is a great day to nurture my inner child. 33. I deserve to have a fantastic day.34. I will look at my problems as opportunities to learn.35. Today I will live as if I am the best version of myself.36. I will take steps toward creating my best life today.37. I will give myself at least one compliment today.38. I am doing great.39. I am better today than I was yesterday. 40. Being the best version of myself is better than trying to be anyone else.41. Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy.42. My presence is a gift.43. I am not defined by my past.44. I choose joy over regret. 45. I radiate positivity and send well wishes to all I meet.46. Learning is a lifelong journey and I will learn something new today.47. My kindness will be paid forward.48. I am creating my dream life.49. I will follow my own magic today.50. If it should rain, I will dance through the drops and jump in the puddles.

Morning Affirmations for Women

  1. I will lift another woman today.
  2. I will take steps toward establishing gender equality today.53. I will embrace my femininity today.54. I will take at least one positive step toward pay equality for myself and other women today.55. I am part of a sisterhood.56. Today I will pay attention to my own needs.57. I can truly have it all—but only if I want to.58. My feelings are valid.59. I am exquisite.60. I complete myself.61. I do not need anyone else to accept me because I accept myself.62. I know my worth.63. I am my own hero.
  3. Anything men can do, I can do better.65. If I help another woman shine, we’ll both sparkle.66. I love myself no matter how anyone else feels about me.67. I will embody the strength and tenderness of the women who came before me.68. Every woman is beautiful.69. I don’t need to be every woman, but I send love to every woman.70. Be the woman you needed when you were a little girl.71. I am free to be me.72. I will not shrink to make anyone else grow.
  4. I am a safe space for other women.74. I am inspired, not threatened, by the success of other women.75. Big girls do cry if they feel like it. Next up: 100 Self-Love Affirmations


Dr. Arin N. Reeves JD, PhD, author of In Charge: The Energy Management Guide for Badass Women Who Are Tired of Being Tired 75 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 5975 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 8175 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 2975 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 1475 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 2075 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 4575 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 6075 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 1175 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 8975 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 2975 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 3575 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 9275 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 7075 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 8475 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 475 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 3575 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 6275 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 7375 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 875 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 575 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 5075 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 3875 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 4375 Morning Affirmations for Positivity and Success to Start Your Day Off Right - 69