You can check out our interviews with the houseguests below, and check out our full cast announcement for more information about the 16 players. Big Brother 23 premieres with a live move-in on Wednesday, July 7 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. NOTE: Due to time constraints, some players were not able to answer our questions, while some couldn’t answer all the questions we asked.

Alyssa Lopez — Swimwear designer from Sarasota, FL

What do you desire in an alliance partner? I would desire loyalty. I want to feel like they’re not working with anyone else. At the same time, you’re lying to everyone in Big Brother. I’m sure I’m going to have a bunch of alliances! [Laughs.] I’m not gonna be an idiot and only have one. But I’ve seen in the past, there have been really tight duos who were able to tell each other everything. So I want to have that. What do you think people will perceive you as? Oh, no. I don’t know! I’m so scared if America doesn’t like me. I’ve seen people get booed, and that’s my worst fear. But I would say people would perceive me as the girl who says what’s on her mind. I’m gonna try my hardest to stay out of things. But I’m the kind of friend who, if you’re fighting with someone, I’ll get involved when I shouldn’t. I don’t like others getting kicked when they’re down. I could be looked at as an older sister to some people. But at the same time, I want to try to keep my mouth shut as much as possible. [Laughs.]

Azah Awasum — Sales operations director from Baltimore, MD

What do you desire in an alliance partner? The one thing I desire would be loyalty. That’s at least what I would desire from myself. I don’t like that rat game where you weasel people out and spill what others say. I hope to find my “second bone” in the house, that confidante I can tell everything to and would be trusting to me as well. What do you think people will perceive you as? It depends, honestly. When a lot of people meet me, they think I have things somewhat put together. But I really am a hot mess! I think people might perceive that at first. But I hope they can really take away that exterior and get to know the real, authentic me. It depends on what the houseguests are looking for. But no matter, I hope they think I’m an innocent woman who wouldn’t hurt a fly. [Laughs.]

Brent Champagne — Flight attendant from Cranston, RI

What do you desire in an alliance partner? Trust, honesty, not just words. I think actions speak louder than words, and I think your word is all you really have. It’s your bond. Especially back in the olden days. If you went back on your word, you were done. You were an outcast and no one would trust you again, especially in medieval times. We should bring that back. You saying something and committing to it means something more than some type of rhetoric.

Britini D’Angelo — Kindergarten teacher from Niagra Falls, NY

What do you desire in an alliance partner? To be honest with you, I just want someone who’s authentic and real about the conversations we have, and who doesn’t hide anything from me. If I’m gonna have a conversation with other people and relay that information to me, you have to be doing the same back to me. Just being honest, that’s the biggest thing. In a house of people you can’t trust, I want to find at least one person I can confide 100% into. If you can’t do that, you’ll go nuts. In my alliance partner, I want someone who can listen, be attentive in what I’m saying, and help process what we’re saying and come up with the best solution together. There’s no way you can play this game together; you need someone to lean on. What do you think people will perceive you as? I think I’m gonna come across as very real and nice. I’m not gonna put on an act. If I’m sitting there talking with someone, it’s because I genuinely want to have that conversation. I’m not trying to be anything I’m not. In that house, all you have is yourself. So if you’re trying to be someone you’re not, it’s going to come across in a second. I think I’m going to be known for very nice and happy-go-lucky. I’ll be known for my high energy; I know that. The energy’s rolling 24/7. I just want to be known for being Britini.

Christian Birkenberger — General contractor assistant from Harwinton, CT

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, Parade was unable to get an interview with Christian. However, you can click here to find out more about him.

Claire Rehfuss — A.I. engineer from New York, NY

Due to Claire replacing a member of the cast, Parade was unable to get an interview with her. However, you can click here to find out more about her.

Derek Frazier — Safety officer from Philadelphia, PA

What do you desire in an alliance partner? Someone who’s going to be loyal to me at all costs, even if it puts their game in jeopardy. That’s what I want! [Laughs.] It’s the honest truth. And I will be as loyal to them as possible. It’s not just a one-way street for me. My main goal is to find someone I can make a Final 2 with. I don’t care about the “big 5, 6, 12” alliance. I need just one person that I can trust and they trust me.

Derek Xiao — Start-up founder from New York, NY

What do you desire in an alliance partner? Blonde, blue eyes…Just kidding! [Laughs.] Someone’s who’s really loyal. We have to click, that’s the thing. If our personalities are a match, then we’re going to Final 2. What do you think people will perceive you as? Class clown, maybe! [Laughs.] Not the humble guy.

Brandon “Frenchie” French — Farmer from Clarksville, TN

What do you desire in an alliance partner? Diversity. I don’t want someone thinking one-sided, regardless if it’s about life, people, or strategy. I can’t stand someone who will look at somebody and judge them instead of getting to know them. So if there’s somebody who is like me who will say, “Let me get to know you,” we’re going to get along with. And that’s someone I can form an alliance with. What do you think people will perceive you as? [Laughs.] I love this question. People are going to perceive me as the dumb farmer. You think of farmers and you think Old MacDonald; that’s the first thing that comes to everyone’s minds. Pitchforks and “I’m gonna get some hay” and all that. But I’m a new-school farmer! It’s gonna shock people, because they’re going to see my military background and how diverse I am, loving all kinds of people. They’re not gonna expect it at all.

Hannah Chaddha — Grad student from Chicago, IL

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, Parade was unable to get an interview with Hannah. However, you can click here to find out more about her.

Kyland Young — Account executive from Venice Beach, CA

What do you desire in an alliance partner? People you don’t see get paranoid. Whether it’s a small or big group, not getting paranoid about your alliance tends to get you further together. And the first person to get paranoid is usually the first person they send out. What do you think people will perceive you as? I think people will hopefully see me as friendly. When I think about talking to other houseguests and getting to know them, there’s a strategic element to it. But that’s what I genuinely love to do. I love to meet and engage with people and find bridges between people. Outside of the house, I try to build bridges between different groups, organizations, and movements. I want to be able to do that in the house.

Sarah Steagall — Forensic scientist from Fort Myers, FL

What do you desire in an alliance partner? I most desire calmness. I don’t want to work with people who are gonna fly off the handle or jump to conclusions. Let me jump to conclusions, and just trust what I’m saying! What do you think people will perceive you as? One of the biggest challenges going into Big Brother is that I really have no idea how I’m going to be perceived. I think it does give me a bit of anxiety to think of it. So I’ve been trying not to think about it and just focus on the game! [Laughs.]

Tiffany Mitchell — Phlebotomist from Detroit, MI

What do you desire in an alliance partner? I desire honesty and loyalty, which may not be something I should expect in the Big Brother house. But that would make a great alliance partner for me. What do you think people will perceive you as? I think people will perceive me as a nice, sweet, loving person. [Laughs.]

Travis Long — Tech sales consultant from Honolulu, HI

What do you desire in an alliance partner? I desire someone who doesn’t look, act, or talk like me. A huge play would be not being with someone who’s this charismatic energy, but someone who’s on the other side of the aisle. Someone who doesn’t look like a person I would normally interact with a lot or even have a friendship with. Maybe an older person, someone who’s married, playing the nerd role. Someone like that would be huge. What do you think people will perceive you as? People will perceive me as a dumb, happy-go-lucky, dooby surfer guy who lays around all day and does his own jig. But I hope to break that stereotype down a little bit on the backside of things.

Whitney Williams — Make-up artist from Portland, OR

What do you desire in an alliance partner? I desire loyalty! I want someone who can have my back no matter what, even if they’re pushed against the wall and don’t really have any other choice. What do you think people will perceive you as? I think people assume I’ve just had life handed to me and I’m some dumb bimbo. I don’t think they realize I have these strategies in the back of my head the entire time and I’m willing to work for whatever it takes.

Xavier Prather — Attorney from Milwaukee, WI

What do you desire in an alliance partner? Trust. It’s as simple as that. If I can trust you, I think our alliance will go very far. If you’re someone likes to gab too much, I’m not gonna trust you and honestly, I’ll try to kick you out. [Laughs.] If you talk too much, I honestly don’t have any business with you. The alliances that fail in this game are when someone plants a seed of doubt and they lose their [expletive]. Hopefully I don’t encounter that. If I do, they’ve gotta go unfortunately. What do you think people will perceive you as? Initially, people will perceive me as an arrogant attorney. Whenever the title of attorney is attached to somebody, it comes with preconceived notions. I hope as people get to know me throughout the season, those notions dissipate. I hope they realize being an attorney is what I do, but it’s not who I am. I hope they get to know and like me. I’m not gonna be what they expect. Next, find out all about this season’s twists in our preseason interview with Big Brother 23 Executive Producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan.

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