In the interview, Jamie claimed that the conservatorship saved his daughter’s life and allowed her to continue the relationship with her two sons, 17-year-old Preston and 16-year-old Jayden, whom she shares with her ex-husband, Kevin Federline. “Not everybody’s going to agree with me,” Jamie said. “It’s been one hell of a time. But I love my daughter with all my heart and soul. Where would Britney be right now without that conservatorship? And I don’t know if she’d be alive. I don’t.” “For protecting her, and also protecting the kids, conservatorship was a great tool. Without it, I don’t think she would have got the kids back,” he continued.Jamie noted that he helped raise Britney’s two kids along with Federline, stating, “It was us who raised the kids. I just did what I was supposed to do, or felt like I needed to do.” “I didn’t make any decisions on my own – the team of people were me and my associate, and Kevin," he said. “We could all take the kids to the doctor, and to school. At that time Kevin had a lot going on. And the conservatorship made sure the boys never left that house without security. They didn’t go to school one day without lunch.”Aside from custody of her kids, the conservatorship allowed her to get her finances back on track. Court arrangements set up a resource allowing her to rebuild her finances by working. Within the 13 years of the conservatorship, Britney released four albums, along with performing for three world tours and two year-long Las Vegas residencies.“The conservatorship allowed the finances to be better,” Jamie said. “My understanding of a conservatorship is to help someone regain their life and return back to society, and to be able to live normally. I want to say that I made a difference. There were a few people behind me that really helped bring it to a point where we could help her.” “All I can say is that most people don’t have a clue what the truth is,” he concluded. “Her lawyer doesn’t have a clue what the truth is. The media has not heard the truth. They’ve heard the allegations from Britney. I don’t mind taking that beating because I know it’s not true and because I don’t want to start something else. For my daughter to end up going further down the hole then she had been.” Britney has yet to respond to her father’s comments regarding the conservatorship.