And that’s something the bubbly Emmy- and Tony-award winner, known for portraying Glinda in Broadway’s Wicked and her work in Pushing Daisies and Glee, can provide. But while she’s delivered laughs on stage, Chenoweth has been privately struggling with chronic pain for years. “We live with what we have to live with, and we rise above it,” she says. “We have our bad days. And then we have our great days. Hopefully, the bright days outweigh the bad ones.” Chenoweth’s chronic pain stemmed first from migraines and Meniere’s disease, an inner-ear disorder that can cause severe dizziness, tinnitus (ear ringing), ear pressure and vertigo, a symptom that has forced her to cancel performances and literally lean on co-stars on stage. Then, an on-set injury in 2012 created her biggest source of pain. Lighting equipment suspended in the air fell on her head and knocked her unconscious, resulting in a skull fracture, concussion, broken ribs and more. “Talk about stopping me in my tracks!” she says. The severity required a level of pain management she hadn’t previously experienced. We spoke to the award-winning performer about the essentials in her pain-management toolbox, her best low-sodium diet hack and how being adopted made her who she is today. Why did you initially keep your accident in 2012 a secret? I kept my accident pretty quiet out of fear. I was afraid people wouldn’t hire me. The photographic memory I had has suffered. I’m still pretty fast at learning things, but I’m not as fast because of the brain and neck injury. What’s some of the best advice you’ve gotten throughout your career? Carol Burnett gave me a great piece of advice. She’s a mentor of mine and had a neck injury on The Carol Burnett Show. She said, “Kristin, you snooze, you lose.” In other words, if I just lie in bed, I wouldn’t get to be creative and do what I love to do. What’s something you’ve learned about chronic pain? With chronic pain, there are going to be days when depression hits and you’re on an island by yourself with all those “why me” questions, thoughts and feelings. You’re allowed to have them for a minute. But you’ve got to pull yourself out. We’ve got one life that’s getting shorter, and we’ve got to live it. How have you adjusted your diet? With Meniere’s, I have to eat a low-sodium diet. I’m from the South, and I’m not fancy. I’m an on-the-go eater. So I’ve learned to pack nutrition bars. And I don’t salt anything. I did find a trick. If you like ranch dressing, it’s the lowest sodium dressing. So if I’m going to have a chicken breast and some broccoli, I’ll dip them in the ranch. When I cut down on salt, I lost 10 pounds. You have to stay dedicated with appointments and physical therapy. How has that been for you? I check in with my doctor and give him updates. And I do physical therapy by Zoom. You have to stay dedicated to it. I’m not pretending I’ve been perfect, but the inspiration for me is, “Do you want to be in pain? No. So you’re going to get your butt up and you’re going to do what you’re supposed to do.” I also do certain stretches. I have a traction unit [for neck pain relief]. I have a neck massager that I put my arms through, turn it on and it massages where I need it. I also sleep on an incline. You’re a big advocate for adoption. Tell us about your childhood and why adoption is so close to home for you? I hit the lottery with my parents. I’m a Christian person, so I believe God is in control of things. I was adopted. I know that my birth mother loved me so much. She wanted to give me a life, so she gave me life. And then she gave me a better life. Because of my parents, Junie and Jerry Chenoweth, I have been afforded opportunities like education and college that I might not have had before. I met my birth mother after my accident. She’s an extremely special woman. She’s an upstanding member of her community. She has other children that are my siblings. And she is so grateful to my parents. My parents, my birth mother, my siblings and I are all close. It has been the best possible scenario ever. I call her Mama Lynn, and she says: “Your mother and father are your mother and father, I owe everything to them. I’m just happy I get to be in your life.” I really am a proponent of adoption, because I’ve seen firsthand the miracle of it. What’s some advice your mom has given you? Let’s face it. I’m not exactly tall. I have a funny speaking voice. I was bullied, too. But my mom gave me the greatest advice. She said, “Kristin, it is funny. Use your humor. Laugh at yourself. You are tiny. You do sound like Betty Boop. It’s OK. Disarm people with your own humor—they’re making fun of you because of their own insecurity.” Why did you fall for Schmigadoon!? When I got the script, I laughed out loud. Every song is a take on a famous song from another musical. The song that my character does is called “Tribulation,” and it’s a take on a song Harold Hill sings in Music Man called “Ya Got Trouble.” The director, Barry Sonnenfeld, called and asked me to do this part, and I knew that I had no choice. If I sat at home and watched somebody else do this, I was going to be mad—because I knew it was going to be challenging and really kick butt. And we did it in one take! What’s your dream role? I would like to play Dolly Parton [in the future]. My musical life has a lot of her in it. I would love to be able to tell her story someday, somehow. But I only want to do it with her. She has to write it. It has to be hers. But as far as my career, I think the best roles are still coming. Next, See Throwback Photos of Country Star Dolly Parton Through the Years

Broadway Star Kristin Chenoweth Shares the Life Changing Advice From Carol Burnett She ll Never Forget - 15