The duo play ex-lovers and one-time colleagues Henry Pelham and Celia Harrison in the modern-day spy thriller that’s based on the book of the same name by Olen Steinhauer. Veteran CIA operative Pelham’s investigation into who leaked information to terrorists years ago takes him to California, where he reunites with his ex over a meal. The former couple’s walk down memory lane winds up turning into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Continue reading to find out what Thandiwe Newton and Chris Pine had to say about working together on the romantic espionage thriller All the Old Knives—opening in select theaters and globally on Prime Video Friday, April 8—plus whether they have what it takes to be actual spies…

What do you think sets All the Old Knives apart from other espionage films that are out there?

Pine: It’s just better. Altogether better. Newton: [Laughs] Because it’s based on a book as well. Pine: Go check it out. Get a box of popcorn. It’s a fun, heartbreaking, romantic, thrilling, lovely film to watch and it has me and Thandiwe, Laurence Fishburne, Jonathan Pryce, an incredible supporting cast. Go watch our film in a theater. Newton: Exactly. In a theater. It needs a theater. It wants a theater, this movie. So beautiful. Our DP [Director of photography] is a very talented woman, Charlotte [Bruus Christensen]. And what she’s done with the visuals during lockdown, you know, when we were so restricted and limited in what we were able to do… Her collaboration with the director who’s, you know, [a] Danish filmmaker making a quintessentially American drama—but as a result of his perspective, it just has je ne sais quoi. There’s just something about it that does set it apart from other spy movies. There’s real heart in this film. Heartbreak. Heart and heartbreak. And that’s not something you really necessarily associate with that world of, you know, clinical operatives.

I was surprised by how much romance is in this spy thriller.

Newton: I know, right? And then you’re like, “Why isn’t there always romance in [spy thrillers].” It’s such an incredible element that draws you in so that you’re even more connected to the complexities of the thriller aspect too.

You two have amazing chemistry in the film. Chris, what was it like working with Thandiwe on the movie?

Pine: It’s great. I mean, she’s intelligent. Professional. We just got along like gangbusters. We had a great time. Newton: It was so easy, really easy. We both just wanted to make this film. Both really excited by the material. I think if that’s where you start from, it’s always gonna be great. You’re excited about the material. You’re excited to get up and go to work in the morning. It’s a good feeling.

Yeah. Well, Thandiwe, I was going to ask you, what was it like working with Chris, one of the Hollywood Chrises?

Newton: One of the Hollywood Chrises! [laughs] The Hollywood Chris. I’ve admired Chris for years. I was also really interested in the fact that he was producing this piece, and just had a fascination for this kind of material, and had also been committed to it for a number of years trying to get it off the ground and I wanted to help. If the addition of me could help that happen, I mean, Jesus, what a great way to enter a project to have that degree of faith in you and trust with a project that you’ve had for years. And this is your chance and you want me? Like that’s a huge privilege. And it’s one I took very seriously, but, you know, as soon as we were working together, it was just like there was no stress around ‘Oh god I’ve got to try and do this because you’ve wanted to do this for five years.’ We just grooved. Got on with it. And nothing was ever set in stone. Every day was a moveable feast. If we wanted to change things or suggest things. So the film really is a collaborative piece. I feel super proud watching it because of how much we all committed to it outside of, you know, just our little narrow job. We were invited to collaborate. I think that’s partly because Chris is a producer. So I got to that kind of level before I even, you know, got there…super open, collaborative, super open.

If you weren’t successful actors today, do you think you’d have what it takes to be a CIA agent or a spy?

Pine: No. Newton: I’m not American, so I couldn’t do it.

Be a spy?

Newton: [I thought you] said CIA operative!

A spy or a CIA agent.

Newton: I think I’d probably be quite good at it. Being sneaky and things, but [I] wouldn’t want to because I’m so bad at keeping secrets from my friends, gossip—like, of course I’m gonna tell my girlfriends everything. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity Next, 5 Female-Driven Spy Movies!

Chris Pine and Thandiwe Newton on  All the Old Knives  - 37Chris Pine and Thandiwe Newton on  All the Old Knives  - 44