Heartburn, which feels like a burning sensation in your chest, can be quite painful. Just like putting out a real-life fire, the first instinct to soothe the fiery sensation in one’s chest is to reach for a glass of water, taking generous gulps. But can this actually help? Keep reading to find out.

What Causes Heartburn?

Before getting into if water helps or hurts heartburn, it’s important to know what causes it to happen in the first place. “Contrary to popular belief, heartburn is not necessarily a result of too much stomach acid. Rather it’s because of stomach acid being at the wrong place,” says functional nutritionist Ma’an Romana, who specializes in treating heartburn and acid reflux. “In most cases, people who suffer from heartburn actually have too little stomach acid,” she adds. This is why, Romana says, taking acid neutralizers (such as Tums and Alka Seltzer), acid suppressors (like Pepcid and Zantac), or proton pump inhibitors (like Prilosec and Nexium) do not provide lasting relief to the vast majority of people who experience frequent heartburn. While they may work in the short term, they do not treat the underlying reasons for the heartburn. “Heartburn occurs when an individual’s lower esophageal sphincter—the area that connects the esophagus to the stomach—weakens or does not close properly leading to acid spilling into the esophagus causing a burning sensation,” explains registered dietitian Andrea Marincovich, RD. She says that many factors can contribute to heartburn including high-fat foods, spicy foods, citrus, chocolate, carbonated or caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and food overconsumption. Being aware of what causes heartburn can serve as a guide for what types of foods and drinks someone can minimize to make symptoms less likely, but when heartburn does hit, knowing how to get rid of the pain quickly is key.

Does Drinking Water Help With Heartburn?

When it comes to drinking water as a way to prevent or tame heartburn symptoms, both experts say that it can provide temporary relief—if done a certain way. “Sipping small amounts of water during a meal can be beneficial to dilute the food and beverages consumed, as well as improve the motility of the food throughout your body,” Marincovich says. But she emphasizes that taking big gulps may actually make heartburn worse. “Consuming large amounts of water during a meal may not be beneficial due to the water taking up more volume in the stomach leading to discomfort and more tension placed on the lower esophageal sphincter,” she says. Romana adds that if a person has had a large meal—one common reason for heartburn—and then drinks a lot of water, it could regurgitate back up. “For this reason, it is more helpful to drink most of your water in between meals and if you do drink water during meals, that you try to sip rather than gulp,” Romana says. You may also be wondering if it can be beneficial to add something to your water, such as lemon or an herb. Romana says that it really depends on the individual and the reason why they are experiencing heartburn. She says that for some (particularly people who have low stomach acid), drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar diluted in water before meals can be helpful, but for others it can cause additional pain. “Sometimes, the lining has been so inflamed and irritated that even drinking plain water can be painful or burning to some,” she says. If you can relate, she recommends sipping aloe vera juice, which many find soothing. Romana says that there is some evidence suggesting that adding ginger or marshmallow root to water (making a tea) can help with heartburn. But Marincovich says more research needs to be done to confirm these connections. The temperature of the water matters too. Romana explains that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, cold water constricts blood flow in the digestive system, which is why drinking room temperature or warm water is recommended instead. “There are also studies that found warm water helps with gastric emptying or motility,” she says. While sipping room temperature or warm water may help relieve heartburn symptoms in the moment, both experts emphasize that it isn’t a long-term solution and it’s still important to get to the root cause of why you’re experiencing heartburn in the first place. It can help to work with a primary care doctor, gastroenterologist, or dietitian specializing in acid reflux to identify and treat the underlying problems. That way, you’ll be reaching for water simply because you’re thirsty, not to put out an internal fire. 


Andrea Marincovich, RD, registered dietitian and founder of The Realistic DietitianMa’an Romana, functional nutrition therapist and founder of Well-Nourished Living