Who got voted off Survivor 43 in Week 8?

Jeanine Zheng

A lot had been going wrong for UX designer Jeanine lately, having been blindsided the past two votes and losing both allies and her idol. When the new majority’s target of Owen won immunity, they set their sights on Jeanine, fearing she could slip through to the end. Her former Baka tribemate Sami did put in some work to try to get them to turn on their own and get out Ryan. But he stayed to fish another day, leaving Jeanine hung out to dry to in a near-unanimous vote.

Were any advantages found or played on Survivor 43 in Week 8?

Who’s left in the game on Survivor 43?

—Cassidy Clark

—Cody Assenmacher

—James Jones

—Jesse Lopez

—Karla Cruz Godoy

—Mike Gabler

—Noelle Lambert

—Owen Knight

—Ryan Medrano

—Sami Layadi

Next, check out our interview with Dwight Moore, who was voted off in Survivor 43 Episode 7.

Here s Who Went Home on  Survivor 43  in Week 8 - 16