Researchers at the University of Missouri School of Medicine discovered that increased levels of aerobic fitness can help mitigate the effects of liver damage caused by alcohol. This is due to the fact that cardio leads to a better functioning mitochondria metabolism. For the study, rats were separated into two groups. One group was exposed to chronic alcohol consumption and the other was not. Both rats were put on treadmills, and the rats who were exposed to alcohol had greater amounts of fatty deposits in their livers, but it didn’t lead to inflammation in the liver as a result of the healthy mitochondria and high metabolism. Researchers concluded that aerobic activity was able to help protect against the negative side effects of alcohol consumption.

Here’s what experts have to say about the study: “The study was conducted on rats, so it is difficult to translate those results into humans. It was a small study of 8 rats so the sample size is small,” Lisa Ganjhu, DO, FACG, AGAF, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Divisions of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, NYU Langone Health, says. “The study needs to be on humans to really know if the hypothesis can be validated." Although the data is fascinating, the study may not be very informative in terms of the alcohol aspect. “I think the study is innovative and can make a difference in the field of nutrition and wellness,” says Dr. Nicole M. Avena, Ph.D., scientist and nutrition consultant. “But I don’t think the study correlates directly to alcohol itself. Aerobic exercise could mitigate overall damage to any organ system because of the increase in oxygen in the blood. It should be perceived as exercise, in general, can lower the risk of environmental/lifestyle disease.” The next step would be using it over a long period of time in humans who have seen the effects of fatty liver disease from alcohol. Then they can say it would improve the outcomes in humans, because right now the short-term study on rats says nothing about other environmental factors humans experience, like diet, Dr. Avena adds.

How Aerobic Activity Can Protect the Liver From Alcohol

Aerobic activity increases overall blood flow, exposing more organ systems to more oxygen over time. This can be a great preventative measure for people who do enjoy drinking moderate amounts and don’t want to end up sick, Dr. Avena explains. Other than that, aerobic activity is effective in reducing overall fat, therefore, helping heal fatty liver. Dr. Ganjhu says that regular physical activity can:

Improve blood flow to the liverChange the composition of bacteria in your bodyDecrease liver inflammationChange how your blood vessels dilateReduce fat in your liverReduce body fat

In reference to alcohol use, alcohol induces fatty deposition into the liver and increased the enzymes to detoxify the liver, Dr. Ganjhu explains. The additional benefits of exercise may protect the liver from the stress the alcohol may put on the liver but downregulate the inflammatory markers. As a general guideline, Dr. Ganjhu provides a list of ways to protect your liver:

Reduce your alcohol consumption to no more than two a day for men, and no more than one a day for womenAvoid nonessential medication or supplementsAvoid complementary or alternative medicationsKeep acetaminophen use to a minimum of 2-3 grams/dayMaintain a healthy weightGet vaccinated to protect yourselves from HBV and HAVAvoid high sugar and high-fat foods/drink

Next up: This Is Exactly How Long Alcohol Stays In Your System, According To Doctors


Biomolecules: “High Intrinsic Aerobic Capacity Protects against Ethanol-Induced Hepatic Injury and Metabolic Dysfunction: Study Using High Capacity Runner Rat Model” Lisa Ganjhu, DO FACG, AGAF, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Divisions of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, NYU Langone Medical CenterNicole M. Avena, Ph.D., scientist and nutrition consultant