So many great options exist for passing a hot summer’s day: A lounge chair and a novel by the pool, a hike in a state park, an afternoon on a sandy beach, a cook-out on a friend’s patio. And at this point, you probably know to drink lots of water to stay hydrated and apply broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. But what about your thighs? When it’s hot and you’re sweaty, it’s easy for your thighs to rub together and create a really uncomfortable situation known as thigh chafing. Friction is to blame for that red, irritated skin between your thighs. And as Danny Del Campo, MD, a dermatologist with the Chicago Skin Clinic in Chicago, Illinois, puts it, “Skin does not like to be rubbed together constantly.” That friction creates heat, and that produces sweat. The sweat makes your thighs more likely to stick together. The constant friction starts to break down the top layer of your skin, a layer of mostly dead cells known as the stratum corneum which functions as a protective skin barrier between you and your environment. “When you combine heat and sweating, that starts to break it down even more,” says Dr. Del Campo. “Now you have inflamed skin and it keeps getting worse.”

How to Prevent Thigh Chafing

There’s a reason that your grandmother’s old expression “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has stuck around for so long: It’s the truth. You’re way better off if you can avoid painful chafing in the first place. And you can. You just have to be proactive about it. That’s especially important if you’re more prone to developing chafing between your legs. Anyone can develop chafing, but women seem to be more prone than men, as are people who are heavier or have wider bodies, according toDr. Ross Radusky, MD, a dermatologist with Dermatology Treatment & Research Center in Dallas, Texas. Bonus: if you can prevent chafing, you may also prevent any blisters that might develop as a result of chafing, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Here are some tips to start with.

1. Carefully choose your clothing

The skin-against-skin action is a problem that you can actually fix with your wardrobe. For example, don a pair of thin shorts to prevent your thighs from rubbing against each other. A quick-dry fabric is your best bet since it can wick sweat away from your body. Dr. Del Campo suggests avoiding garments made of cotton or polyester fabric which tend to hold onto moisture. “The skin is less likely to stick to itself if it’s dry,” adds Dr. Radusky. Also, watch out for the seams, which can create new opportunities for painful rubbing if they’re not in the right place.

2. Apply an anti-chafing balm

Take a cue from runners who often experience chafing on many parts of their bodies. Apply an anti-chafing balm like BodyGlide to the insides of your thighs to ward off the friction that causes chafing. “That’s been my favorite one for about the last ten years now,” says Dr. Del Campo. “It’s easy to find and affordable, and it goes on really clean.” Some people swear by swabbing a little antiperspirant onto their chafe-prone skin. As long as it doesn’t irritate your skin, it’s probably fine, says Dr. Del Campo. But if you have really sensitive skin, it could cause a new rash.

3. Dry off

Remember: moisture exacerbates the problem. So keeping your skin dry can help reduce the likelihood that your skin will chafe. “If you have been in the pool or been in the ocean, you definitely want to make sure you dry yourself thoroughly,” says Dr. Radusky. And if your clothes are wet or damp from sweat, change into something dry as soon as you can.

4. Try cornstarch

Some people like using powder to keep their skin dry and smooth, and if you’re one of them, try using a cornstarch-based powder. Dr. Radusky suggests Zeasorb powder, which also has antifungal properties. Just apply a little powder to your chafe-prone areas before you get dressed.

Treatment for Thigh Chafing

Once you realize that you’ve developed chafing on your inner thighs, it’s time to treat the problem. (You might also want to make sure that it’s really just chafing and not something else, such as an allergic reaction, contact dermatitis, or a psoriasis flare-up if you’re prone to those.) Dr. Radusky recommends applying an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream, which has anti-inflammatory properties, to the red, irritated skin twice a day. He also suggests applying a thin layer of moisturizer on top of the hydrocortisone cream.“Try to avoid the thicker moisturizers,” he says. “Lighter moisturizers are great because they lubricate the skin just enough so you are not developing bad chafe." The other great remedy, he adds, is to air out the area.  Dr. Del Campo also suggests trying Domeboro, a type of medicated powder that you dissolve into a container of cool water. You can soak a towel in the mixture, then apply it to your chafed skin. “It has a calming effect on your skin,” he explains. Once you start treating your chafed inner thighs, they should start to improve. It may take a few days, of course. If it starts looking worse, definitely contact your healthcare provider to ask about the next steps. “If you see a yellow film, any pus that is coming out, or any pus pimples, that could be a sign of infection that needs to be treated. That can be bacterial or fungal, actually,” says Dr. Del Campo. If it’s a bacterial infection, your doctor may recommend an antibiotic. If it’s a fungal infection, similar to athlete’s foot, you may be able to use an antifungal treatment to clear it up. It is best to seek care with your dermatologist to ensure that you get appropriate treatment for your issue, says Dr. Del Campo. Next up: Summer Temps Sky-High? Find Out How to Cool Down Your Outdoor Workout (and When to Sit It Out)


American Academy of Dermatology. How to Prevent and Treat Blisters.Danny Del Campo, MD, dermatologist with the Chicago Skin Clinic in Chicago.MedLine Plus. Chafing.National Library of Medicine. Histology, Stratum Corneum.Ross Radusky, MD, dermatologist with Dermatology Treatment & Research Center in Dallas, Texas How to Prevent and Treat Thigh Chafing - 45