“Overeating is when you eat more food than your body needs for energy and typically results in feeling some physical discomfort,” says registered dietitian and certified personal trainer Kim Juul, RD, CPT. Registered dietitian Nina Dahan, RD, defines it this way: “Any time we eat when we’re not cued into our hunger signals,” she says. But now, the big question: How does someone stop overeating? The first step is knowing what’s causing you to overeat in the first place. Then, it’s putting a solution in place. Listed here are the 18 most common reasons Juul and Dahan see as why people overeat. Plus, their expert tips on what to do about it.

How to Stop Overeating - 18 Reasons Why People Overeat

1. Stress

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, both registered dietitians say you’re more likely to overindulge, particularly in foods high in sugar and fat. These types of foods are comforting, which is exactly what someone wants when they’re at the end of their rope. To put an end to stress overeating, Dahan says to focus on finding a solution to what’s causing you stress, putting an end to the stressor. She says that sometimes it can be helpful to work with a cognitive behavioral therapist, who can help implement healthy habits to replace overeating in these moments. Dahan adds that it’s also important to manage overall stress, not just waiting until the moment you’re stressed to troubleshoot. Meditation, exercise and self-care can all help with this.

2. Lack of sleep

Scientific studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to overeat high-calorie food. “In this case, what people are really seeking is more energy and their bodies are telling them to eat, but it’s easy to overeat when you are feeling especially tired,” Juul says. Getting at least seven hours of sleep each night will make overeating less likely.

3. Crash dieting

If you’re skipping meals or subsisting on a super low-calorie diet, Dahan says you’re much more likely to overeat than if you were to eat a well-balanced diet. “A very low-calorie diet disrupts the hormones that drive our hunger, making us more likely to rebound by overeating,” she explains. Instead of depriving yourself, include foods you love into your diet; just enjoy them in moderation.

4. Boredom

Both dietitians say that boredom is a common trigger of overeating. After all, eating is fun, engaging all the senses and lighting up the pleasure center in the brain. If boredom is your main reason for overeating, Dahan says to make a plan in advance of what you will do when boredom hits. “Make a list of enjoyable activities you can do instead,” she says. “Don’t make it a list of unwanted responsibilities or chores to do when bored, or something you’re dreading,” Dahan adds. “If you default to eating when bored, there is no motivation to do dreaded tasks for ‘entertainment.’” In other words, be sure your list consists of activities that you actually like and are easy to put into practice.

5. Habit

Both dietitians say that, often, overeating is a habit. Maybe you pull a bag of nuts out of the pantry to eat while you’re cooking dinner, not realizing how much you’re eating. Or you might rip open a bag of chips every day at 4 p.m., even if you’re not hungry. “If you want to break a habit, you have to come up with an alternative,” Juul says. Can you make yourself a cup of tea instead? Chew gum? Go for a walk? Like with boredom, she says it’s important to have a plan in place.

6. Oversized portions

“We’ve gotten so used to large portions the past 20 years,” Darah says. “If you look at fast food portions, restaurant portions and individual serving packaged food from 20 years ago, portions were much smaller. We supersize at the fast food joints for better ‘value,’ and we get used to that feeling of fullness, which carry that over into home-prepped meals.” She says that in a similar vein, all-you-can-eat buffets can lead to overeating; often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs when we arrive hungry. To avoid overeating at home, portion out your meals and snacks. Also, give veggies the most real estate on your plate. At restaurants, ask for a to-go container with your entree so you can set aside a portion of your food to take home. Out of sight, out of mind!

7. Looking for comfort

While feeling sad, depressed or anxious can also lead to not eating enough, for some people, it can lead to overeating and finding comfort in food. Both experts say that addressing the underlying reasons for these feelings is key, though they acknowledge that this isn’t easy. In the moment, find something else that will bring you joy instead, like listening to a playlist of your favorite songs on a walk or calling a friend.

8. Eating in front of the TV

Whether it’s takeout, chips or a pint of ice cream, Dahan says that it’s easy to overeat when you’re focusing on something else—like what you’re watching on TV. “Distraction is a huge part of what I see in my practice when it comes to overeating,” she says. If you like eating in front of the TV, just bring over from the kitchen the portion you want to eat instead of the whole container.

9. Eating and working at the same time

Dahan says that eating in front of the computer is another form of distraction that can lead to overeating, and it’s one she’s seeing more of as more people work from home. She adds that eating while scrolling social media can lead to the same trap. While it can be hard to take a break, stepping away from your computer to enjoy your meal for 20 minutes will not only prevent overeating, but will be more enjoyable, allowing you to focus on your delicious food instead of stressful work emails.

10. Eating overly processed foods

Juul points out something you’ve likely noticed first-hand: It’s much easier to overeat overly processed foods high in sugar, sodium and fat than it is nutrient-rich foods. “Foods that are high in sugar can lead us to craving more food that is high in sugar,” she says. Juul also explains that since they don’t have protein, fiber or healthy fats, they aren’t filling either—another reason why it’s easy to overeat them. If you want to enjoy a sweet or salty snack, portion it out. That way, you can still enjoy it without having a stomachache later. 

11. Alcohol

Both dietitians say that when you’re buzzed, a lack of control can follow—and that includes food. “Alcohol lowers our inhibitions, even if we go into [the situation] with the best of intentions,” Dahan says. If you think you will be tempted to overeat later, plan ahead and bring or prepare a healthy snack that you can eat later.

12. Low blood sugar

Juul says that having low blood sugar can lead to craving carbs and sugars, the body’s way of sending a message to get what it’s lacking. To prevent this, she says to make sure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs. “If overall you eat a well-balanced diet, cravings due to nutrient deficiencies are not as common,” she says.

13. Not being satisfied by “healthy foods”

If your kitchen is stocked with foods like low-fat ice cream, sugar-free cookies, and other “diet” foods, Dahan says that you may be more likely to overeat them. “The mentality is ‘they’re healthy after all, why not?’ But this often leads to consuming more calories than if we would have if we had gone for the real thing,” she says. Also, she points out that these foods often aren’t as satisfying as the real thing, which can also lead to overeating. The fix? Buy what you love instead of the low-fat substitute. Just stick to the portion size.

14. PMS

It’s completely natural to crave foods high in sugar, salt and carbs before your period. As the dietitians previously mentioned, these types of foods are easy to overeat. Portion out the foods you’re craving and also put into practice other self-care activities that can offer comfort.

15. Confusing thirst and hunger

While water should never be considered a substitute for food because it doesn’t contain the nutrients needed to survive, scientific studies show that people who don’t drink enough water are more likely to eat more. Make sure you’re drinking eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day to avoid overeating when your body actually needs more water.

16. Hitting an afternoon slump

Juul says that one of the most common times people overeat is the late afternoon. Fatigue is sitting in but you still have to push through, you might be bored, and maybe you aren’t as far along on your to-do list as you want to be, which is stressing you out. If you are an afternoon snacker, plan ahead by having snacks on hand with protein, fiber and healthy fats, which will provide a little boost of energy. Some examples include hummus and veggies, peanut butter and banana, and Greek yogurt with berries.

17. Not refueling properly after a workout

Walking in the door after a workout, there might be a lot of immediate needs: showering, answering texts, feeding the dog … but not taking a few minutes to eat something could lead to overeating later. To help your body recover, eat a snack or meal with carbs and protein. This will help replenish the energy used during your workout and give your body the protein it needs to repair and build muscle.

18. Needing professional help

“If someone finds themselves eating copious amounts of food until the point where they feel sick accompanied by a feeling of being out of control, they should seek help from a dietitian or therapist who specializes in eating disorders,” Juul says. A registered dietitian who specializes in eating disorders can help with establishing healthy eating habits so someone can get the nutrients their body needs while simultaneously implementing healthier eating behaviors. Both dietitians emphasize that overeating is super common; virtually everyone has reached into the pantry when feeling stressed or bored. By pinpointing the reasons why you’re overeating and by implementing the dietitians’ tips, you’ll be on your way to having a healthier relationship with food—and less stomach aches too. Next up, check out this list of 40 foods that are scientifically linked to losing weight.


Kim Juul, RD, CPT, registered dietitian and certified personal trainer Nina Dahan, RD, registered dietitian