Sound familiar? Everyone probably does some version fo this from time to time, but if you’re overtaken by these feelings all the time, you could be experiencing imposter syndrome. “Imposter syndrome is the unsettling feeling that you are not deserving of your achievements and only attained success via good luck, the right connections, or being in the right place at the right time,” explains Dr. Vanessa Kennedy, PhD, director of psychology at Driftwood Recovery. “You may walk around feeling like a fraud who is not really as competent as others believe.”  Imposter syndrome is a real phenomenon, though it’s not a clinically diagnosable disorder, she says. It was coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes to describe the feeling that high-achieving women were experiencing at the time.  But imposter syndrome doesn’t just affect women, adds Melissa Dowd, MS, LMFT, a psychotherapist with the virtual health platform PlushCare. It actually affects men and women equally. About 70% of people will experience feelings of imposter syndrome at some point, according to research published in 2011 in the International Journal of Behavioral Science.   Even though it’s not a psychological disorder, the feeling that someone with imposter syndrome experiences can lead to psychological disorders, including clinical anxiety and depression. Other causes are performance anxiety, perfectionism, or low self-esteem. So, what does it feel like to have imposter syndrome? asked experts to help answer that question, and discuss what triggers it and how it’s treated. 

What does imposter syndrome feel like?

“Those experiencing imposter syndrome will commonly feel unworthy of their achievements, incompetent, inadequate, undeserving of praise, promotions or accomplishments, insecure in their appointed roles, feeling like they don’t belong where they are and often believe that they are the only ones struggling while everyone else is forging ahead with ease,” Dowd explains.  Imposter syndrome manifests as an intense fear of being exposed as a fraud, too, Kennedy adds. Everyone may experience these feelings sometimes, but those with imposter syndrome have them all the time. How often and severe varies, though.  “Individuals who experience more severe imposter syndrome may experience the fear of being exposed for their weaknesses in various situations to such a degree that it begins to impede their ability to take risks or put themselves out there and affects their self-esteem negatively,” she says.  However, imposter syndrome isn’t the same as self-doubt, Dowd explains, and the two are sometimes confused. Self-doubt is often present in imposter syndrome, but feeling self-doubt doesn’t mean you struggle with imposter syndrome.  “It is very common and normal for people to feel insecure and doubt their ability at times, but those feelings are often overcome by an achievement or accomplishment,” she says. “What differentiates the two is that impostor syndrome is pervasive regardless of all the evidence that proves one’s abilities.”  Wondering if your feelings align with imposter syndrome? Check out this questionnaire on Dr. Pauline Clance’s website. 

What triggers imposter syndrome?

Certain situations trigger imposter syndrome feelings, such as a new or unfamiliar social or professional setting, Dowd says, “These might include landing a new job, receiving a promotion at work, going off to university, participating in a conference or workshop, and becoming a parent.” External praise or a mistake or failure in a sea of accomplishments is another trigger, she says. Being a minority race or gender or coming from a different socioeconomic background than your colleagues or peers might also bring on these feelings. Sometimes, people only experience imposter syndrome in certain areas of their life, while feeling fully competent and capable in other areas.  Triggers also occur in instances where you’re expected to be an “expert” or “perfect,” Kennedy says, “People who hold themselves to excessively high-standards and do not like to ask others for help or reveal their vulnerabilities are especially prone to impostor syndrome.” 

What’s the opposite of impostor syndrome?

At the opposite end of the spectrum from imposter syndrome is the Dunning-Kruger effect, where someone overestimates their capabilities and falsely believes they know more than they actually do, Kennedy explains. Narcissistic personality disorder—where someone has a grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates their achievements and talents—is a psychological condition that involves the Dunning-Kruger effect. “They may expect to be recognized as superior to others without the commensurate achievements to back this up,” she adds. “They may also believe they are special or unique and can only be understood by other special or high-status people.”  In the Dunning-Kruger effect, people tend to lack the self-awareness and cognitive ability to accurately assess their skills and capabilities, Dowd says, “Given this cognitive bias, they are unable to recognize or acknowledge their lack of ability.” 

Can imposter syndrome be treated?

Imposter syndrome can be treated through counseling and therapy, which can help you explore why the feelings are present, where they came from and what actionable steps you can take to minimize how they impact your daily life, Dowd says. “Our mind is a powerful thing, and if left unsupervised, can take us down a dark rabbit hole of false beliefs and thoughts,” she explains. “So, it is important to pause your negative thoughts and ask yourself what is fact and what is fiction.”  Making lists of everything you can prove to be true and your tangible accomplishments and the efforts that led you where you are today is one tool that can help diminish feelings of imposter syndrome, Dowd suggests. And, try talking about your feelings to others.  “It is helpful to get feedback and a different perspective from those you trust and respect,” she says. “If you have a mentor in your field or a professor you admire, they can be a great sounding board to help you navigate and push through your self-doubt.”  There’s no such thing as perfect, Dowd adds. Mistakes are normal and inevitable. “Rather than striving for perfection, focus instead on putting in your best effort, and use any mistakes as opportunities for growth and development,” she says.  Next, read about how online therapy and therapy apps work. 


Melissa Dowd, MS, LMFT, psychotherapist, PlushCareDr. Vanessa Kennedy, PhD, director of psychology, Driftwood RecoveryDr. Pauline Clance: Clance IP ScaleAmerican Psychological Association: Feel Like a Fraud? International Journal of Behavioral Science: The Impostor Phenomenon Journal of General Internal Medicine: Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development: An Examination of the Impact of Minority Status Stress and Impostor Feelings on the Mental Health of Diverse Ethnic Minority College StudentsPsychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice: The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: Dynamics and therapeutic intervention.Psychology Today: Dunning-Kruger Effect  Imposter Syndrome  Everything You Need to Know About Imposter Syndrom - 78