Over the 2020 holidays, millions of Americans were forced to cancel travel plans and forgo celebrating with family due to the overwhelming fall and winter COVID-19 surge and limited vaccine supply. As Americans rushed to get the vaccine in the winter and early spring, the curve started to flatten and life seemed to return to a new normal. Experts even predicted that gathering with friends and family over the 2021 holiday season would be somewhat safer. However, a new spike in cases and the emergence of a new variant, Omicron, have many people questioning whether or not congregating over the holidays can be done safely. Here’s everything you should know.

Omicron has been named a “variant of concern”

On November 26, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a statement about the new variant, B.1.1.529, classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “variant of concern.” “Early data from South Africa suggest increased transmissibility of the omicron variant, and scientists in the United States and around the world are urgently examining vaccine effectiveness related to this variant,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, added in a statement. As of November 30, at least 70 countries and territories had implemented travel restrictions from a number of African countries, per CNN, while Japan and Israel have banned any foreign nationals from crossing their borders. However, on Monday, President Joe Biden promised there would be no new lockdowns, urging people to get vaccinated, get boosters and wear masks." This variant is a cause for concern, not a cause for panic," he said during a press conference following a meeting with his COVID-19 team. “We’re going to fight and beat this new variant.”

Like last winter, COVID infections are beginning to surge

In addition to concern over the new variant, COVID-19 infections are on the rise. After months of declining infections, the CDC’s COVID tracker demonstrates a sharp increase of cases from October 24 through November 24.  Dr. Jaimie Meyer, MD, Yale Medicine infectious diseases specialist and associate professor at Yale School of Medicine and Public Health, points out that many parts of the country, even in regions where vaccination rates are high such as New England and many areas of the Midwest, are experiencing an uptick in cases. “This is concerning because perhaps a post-holiday spike is really inevitable,” she says. 

How safe is it to gather with family over the holidays? 

While guidance may change in the upcoming weeks, as of now you should assess potential family gatherings “on a case-by-case basis,” suggests Dr. Purvi Parikh, MD, an immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network. This means considering not only your own risk, but the risk of those around you. Dr, Darren P. Mareiniss, MD, FACEP, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Sidney Kimmel Medical College—Thomas Jefferson University, maintains people should be very concerned about the spike in new cases and the arrival of Omicron, especially during the winter months when the virus spreads more easily in the cold dry air. “This season, with cases rising, I would have a limited gathering, if any,” he suggests.  “Personally, I am planning on having a small in-person gathering with one other household, all of whom are fully vaccinated, working remotely, and without any symptoms.”  Dr. Meyer herself will be “gathering with small immediate members of my family” over the holidays. “We will be both inside and outside, hopefully, unmasked and eating together at a table, and that’s because we’re in a location where there are relatively few cases and where everyone in my family is vaccinated and boosted.” And, as of November 30, the White House had yet to cancel any of their own holiday parties, per Reuters. “There will be more details on holiday parties, but there are not, as you know, restrictions that have been announced to date by our health and medical experts so that hasn’t impacted or changed our approach,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Monday when asked if there were any size restriction plans due to the new Omicron variant.

Ways to minimize risk while gathering over the holidays

While there is no way to gather family members together over the holidays with zero risk, there are a few key ways to minimize COVID-19 transmission if you do choose to congregate in a group setting. 

Limit the number of households

The greater the number of households attending a holiday gathering, the greater the risk. “Large gatherings with lots of different households increase the risk of exposure and potential outbreaks,” says Dr. Mareiniss. 

Make sure everyone is vaccinated

Dr. Mareiniss stresses that the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family is to get vaccinated and have all your family and friends vaccinated as well. “Also, if you are an adult who is six months past the second vaccine shot of an mRNA vaccine, you should get the booster shot,” he suggests.  

Stay home if you experience any symptoms

If you experience any potential COVID symptoms, stay home—even if you test negative, as tests are not 100% accurate. “There is no room for saying ‘it’s just a cold’ or ‘it must be allergies,’” says Dr. Mareiniss. “Sore throat, headache, fever, muscle ache and congestion can all be signs of a COVID infection, and if you experience any of them you should not attend an in-person holiday gathering.”  

Consider staying home if you are immunocompromised

Immunocompromised people (e.g., cancer patients undergoing treatment, transplant recipients, HIV patients) “have had some decreases in the immune response to vaccination,” explains Dr. Mareiniss. “As a result, they should be cautious about attending an indoor gathering without a mask.”

Congregate outdoors, if possible

Dr. Mareiniss cautions against eating indoors with anyone who has not been vaccinated. “I have not eaten at an indoor restaurant since March 2020 and don’t typically eat inside with members of other households,” he reveals. 

Take a COVID test prior to the holiday

Dr. Meyer suggests taking a rapid test the day or two before the event, to provide “one extra measure of assurance that the people who are gathering are not only protected against COVID infection but are also not harboring the infection themselves.”

Wear a mask 

People who are especially vulnerable to severe disease “should probably mask up,” notes Dr. Meyer. “People should wear masks while indoors with other individuals in order to avoid infection, particularly as numbers rise,” agrees Dr. Mareiniss. Next, read about the best mask to wear to prevent the spread of COVID-19


Jaimie Meyer, MD, Yale Medicine infectious diseases specialist and associate professor at Yale School of Medicine and Public HealthPurvi Parikh, MD, an immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network.Darren P. Mareiniss, MD, FACEP, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Sidney Kimmel Medical College - Thomas Jefferson UniversityCDC:CDC Statement on B.1.1.529 (Omicron variant) Is It Safe to Gather With Family This Holiday Season  Here s What the Experts Say  - 28