If this is something you’re experiencing first-hand, there’s a good chance you’ve tried your fair share of teas and over-the-counter drugs. What now? Should you see a doctor? (There does reach a point when you should absolutely see your healthcare provider if your cough just won’t go away.) Here’s how to know exactly when to book that appointment and how to get rid of a lingering cough for good.

Lingering Cough: Reasons Why a Cough Won’t Go Away

Integrative medicine doctor Dr. Sari Eitches, MD, MS, says that there are three primary reasons why a cough won’t go away. “The three most common causes of a chronic cough are post nasal drip, acid reflux, and asthma or reactive airway disease,” she says. Dr. Eitches explains that post-nasal drip and acid reflux both irritate the back of the cough, which then triggers coughing. Dr. Nina Shapiro, MD, says coughing related to acid reflux is something she often sees, too. “Tiny bits of stomach acid can come up to the back of the throat, leading to discomfort, feeling of something ‘stuck’ in the throat, and can cause coughing,” she says. “This can be seen even in the absence of classic reflux symptoms such as heartburn or an upset stomach.” As for reactive airway disease, Dr. Eitches says that this is a situational type of asthma that can cause a cough and shortness of breath or wheezing after a respiratory illness. In addition to all of these reasons, functional medicine doctor Dr. Heather Moday, MD, says that there are certain medications that can cause coughing—specifically certain blood pressure medications. Smoking can also cause chronic coughing.

Why Am I Still Coughing After My Cold Is Gone?

Though it’s annoying, all three doctors say that coughing does serve a purpose. “It’s a mechanical reaction to irritants, allergens and other stimuli. Also, if we accidentally get food or liquids in the trachea, we cough to expel it,” Dr. Moday says. Dr. Shapiro adds to this, saying that the purpose of coughing is to clear mucus and particles. But after a certain amount of time, Dr. Shapiro says that coughing stops being helpful. “Sometimes a chronic cough itself can cause more swelling in the throat, triggering the urge to cough when nothing is actually there,” she says. “This then becomes a vicious cycle of coughing because the person feels some fullness. It’s similar to scratching an itch. The more you scratch, the itchier it gets.” If you are getting over a cold, you may be wondering why your cough has stuck around while your other symptoms have gone away. The reason for this is that it can take weeks for the bronchial nerves to recalibrate. Very likely, your throat became sensitive enough to clear even the slightest irritants and it hasn’t quite returned to normal yet.

When To See a Doctor

If you’ve been consistently coughing for longer than two weeks, Dr. Moday says that it’s a good idea to see your healthcare provider. Also, if at any time you are coughing up blood, your coughing is accompanied with fever or shortness of breath, or seems to be getting worse instead of better, these are all times she says to see a doctor. At the appointment, Dr. Moday says that you can expect the doctor to perform a lung exam, and possibly an X-ray. Most importantly, she says that the doctor will be on a quest to find out the root cause of the cough, which is key for informing treatment. Dr. Shapiro agrees, saying, “Treating the source for any ailment is always the best way to go. If it’s post-nasal drip irritating the back of the throat and causing a cough, address the nasal issues first. If it’s allergies, address the allergies. If it’s reflux, address that. Oftentimes it’s hard to know the source, and that’s where a physician comes in to help.” If it seems like allergies or sinus issues are the reason for your cough, Dr. Moday says that you may be referred to an ENT for allergies. “If it’s during allergy season and not associated with infection, nasal antihistamine sprays and nasal steroid sprays can help,” she says.

How Do I Get Rid of a Lingering Cough for Good?

If your doctor suspects that your coughing is connected to a cold, Dr. Shapiro says that they will likely recommend trying an over-the-counter cough medicine. “In general, these medicines may serve to treat symptoms, but they may not necessarily reduce the duration of the cough,” she says. “Honey-based cough remedies, or even plain honey, can be helpful to reduce coughs simply by coating the back of the throat.” Additionally, Dr. Moday says that there are also prescription cough medicine available to help in the short term, especially if your coughing is disrupting your sleep. In addition to these solutions, Dr. Eitches says that tea and using a humidifier can also help because they help keep the airway moist, which then reduces the urge to cough. For coughing connected to asthma, Dr. Moday says that a prescription inhaler may help. “This would be a bronchodilator, such as albuterol, and in addition, sometimes a short-term inhaled steroid normally used for asthma can help eradicate the cough by getting rid of the airway inflammation,” she says. If your coughing is tied to GERD or acid reflux, all three doctors say it’s important to treat this root problem, which may require working with a gastrointestinal doctor or dietitian. “Just remember, it’s all about finding the source of the cough. Then treatment can occur,” Dr. Shapiro says. When in doubt, see your doctor. They can help figure out exactly why your cough won’t go away. Then, they can help you get rid of it for good.  Next up, here’s what to do as soon as you feel a cold coming on to stop it in its tracks.


Dr. Sari Eitches, MD, MS, integrative medicine doctorDr. Nina Shapiro, MD, Ear, Nose, and Throat physician at Westside Head and Neck and the author of The Ultimate Kids’ Guide to Being Super Healthy and HypeDr. Heather Moday, MD, functional medicine doctor