Miller has moderate irreversible lung damage that has caused scar tissue in his lungs, resulting in permanent airway obstruction. He has approximately 45% of his lung capacity remaining.

How severe asthma has impacted his life from a young age

At age 2, Miller received an official asthma diagnosis. “I was sitting in an oxygen tent in Texas as a toddler,” Miller tells Parade. And having lived with severe asthma for most of his life, he has learned to adapt his daily routine accordingly. To maintain his remaining lung capacity, he engages in mild to moderate exercise on a regular basis, but there are several different factors he takes into consideration before doing any physical activity. “I know that my lungs can get easily irritated if I try to exercise when it’s colder than 55 degrees outside,” Miller says.  For exercise, he walks, and if he wants more of a challenge he will walk up hills or stairs. He also enjoys riding a bicycle. “I have found out with my condition that I have to warm up very slowly. I cannot go from sitting still to a moderate or fast pace that will irritate my lungs,” Miller explains.  Miller’s condition is also triggered by strong odors. This includes anything from newspaper print and perfume to scented candles and lotions.

Coping with the mental health repercussions of asthma

“Air is not a problem until you’re not getting any,” Miller says. “When I do experience additional breathing difficulty, it’s very distracting. For some people, it can be very scary, since it’s not something they’re used to. In my case, I’ve experienced this so many times in my life with asthma attacks that I’m not necessarily scared of it anymore. It’s how life is for me.” However, when breathing difficulty reaches a certain level, it can be hard for Miller to concentrate on anything else. There are times when he experiences mood swings when he’s having breathing challenges. “I have to have a certain level of self-awareness to see when this is causing my attitude to shift and affecting the people around me, whether it’s at work or home,” Miller explains.

Taking steps to live a “normal” life

Miller likes to lead an active life and engage in physical activity not only for his own health, but for his children as well—he wants to be able to play with them. When it comes to reducing the number of asthma attacks, the key to his success is avoiding triggers. “What I would share with any asthmatic is to learn the conditions that trigger your asthma and avoid those triggers to the greatest extent possible. I call this technique, ‘avoiding asthma’ and I created a YouTube channel where I share my stories,” says Miller. His goal with his YouTube channel is to be a resource for asthmatics and provide information that can help others on their journey. Miller explains, “I have lifelong experience with this and I want to be able to give back to other asthmatics and let people see there is hope and it is possible to lead an active lifestyle.”  Examples of everyday tasks that can be difficult include lifting heavy objects or walking upstairs. But taking the stairs helps him get cardiovascular exercise, so he “always chooses to go up slow.” As a mechanical engineer, he has a job that requires him to be at construction sites for at least half of the workday. “I have to be mindful of how much airborne dust is present at each site. In some cases, I’ll have to wear a mask or do my inspection when the level of dust is lower.” “What I wish I had known when I was a child was that I could get irreversible lung damage from this disease," he says. “When I was younger, I didn’t do a good job of controlling my allergies and environmental conditions, which are a significant trigger for my asthma.”  Over the years, his lungs have gotten very swollen at certain points,, which is why he has scar tissue. “If I had known sooner, I would have made different choices. And that’s another reason why it’s important for me to share my story with other people.” Along with creating a YouTube channel, Miller is a volunteer with the American Lung Association. With the help of his workplace, Messer Construction he has been able to help raise over $40,000 since 2016. Next, read the surprising reason women might get asthma as adults.


Matthew Miller, interview Matthew Miller Opens Up About His Asthma Journey and His Struggles to Live a  Normal  Life - 74