Best Sharon Stone roles

Total Recall (1990)

Stone faced off with Arnold Schwarzenegger in this sci-fi blockbuster as Lori Quaid, a loving wife who moonlights as an agent sent by a corrupt government to spy on him.

Basic Instinct (1992)

This steamy film-noir thriller, about a detective (Michael Douglas) attracted to his prime murder suspect (Stone), took her from struggling actress to overnight success (and her first Golden Globe nomination)—and established her career, for better and for worse, with one uncrossing of her legs.

Casino (1995)

She’s Ginger, the dynamo wife of casino mogul Sam “Ace” Rothstein (Robert De Niro), a role that landed her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama and an Oscar nomination and remains one of her most iconic parts to date.

The Quick and the Dead (1995)

In this edgy Western, Stone played an avenging gunfighter opposite Gene Hackman and a young Leonardo DiCaprio as the “Kid”—a part she campaigned so hard for him to get, she paid his salary out of her own.

The Mighty (1998)

She’s the single mother of disabled child Kevin (Kieran Culkin) in this comedic drama, which landed her a third Golden Globe nomination.

Antz (1998)

Showing off her playful side, Stone provided the vocals for the animated Princess Bala, the Queen Ant’s daughter, who romances a worker ant (Woody Allen) in this debut project from DreamWorks Animation, which also features the voices of Jennifer Lopez, Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Walken and Dan Aykroyd.

The Muse (1999)

Stone received yet another Golden Globe nomination for her portrayal of a highly demanding muse who sets out to inspire a Hollywood writer (Albert Brooks) who has lost his edge.

Broken Flowers (2005)

In this comedy-drama she’s Laura, a former flame of an aging Don Juan (Bill Murray) who’s on a road trip to reconnect with his ex-girlfriends to find out who wrote him a letter claiming he has a long-lost son.

Lovelace (2013)

She almost disappears into her role as the brunette suburban mother to Deep Throat porn actress Linda Lovelace (Amanda Seyfried) in this biopic—so much so that some fans didn’t believe it was really Stone until they checked the credits.

Ratched (2020)

Stone’s Lenore Osgood, an eccentric heiress who pals around with a capuchin monkey named Miss Petunia, was a perfect addition to the dark and quirky Netflix prequel to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Next, Sharon Stone Says It’s Time to ‘Talk Openly’ About Sexual Abuse

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