What doctors want you to know about vaccines

There are a lot of myths about vaccines, an issue that is consistently exacerbated by social media. In fact, a major consequence of these myths—vaccine hesitancy—has become so widespread that as of 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) says it is among the top ten threats to global health. Somewhere along the line, vaccines became seen as a risk versus protection, and that is the biggest myth doctors seek to change.  “The biggest misconception is that vaccines are unsafe,” confirms Dr. Anthony D’Ambrosio, MD, a family medicine physician at Nuvance Health. “As a family medicine doctor who sees both children and adults, I often get asked questions about vaccine safety. Most vaccines have no or minor side effects, such as fevers and injection-site soreness. Overall, vaccines are extremely safe for both adults and children.” Dr. Dyan Hes, MD, FAAP, Medical Director at Gramercy Pediatrics, agrees, noting that the association often made between vaccines and chemicals—especially in our day-and-age of opting for more ‘natural’ lifestyles—means that the medical community is spending a lot of time educating patients about vaccine safety and efficacy. “Parents who are against vaccines have to remember when there were no vaccines and nature was in play, there was a 50 percent mortality rate for a child,” stresses Dr. Hes. 

Why it’s important to keep your children’s vaccines up to date

When it comes to children’s health, especially, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that it is better to prevent disease than treat it once it’s been contracted. The vaccines that are a part of the current recommendations prevent illnesses such as smallpox, polio, measles and more, and the CDC explains that children’s bodies—which become more susceptible to illness as antibodies from their mothers diminish in their first year of life—would not be strong enough to fight the diseases these vaccines are there to prevent. “Most parents vaccinate their children according to the CDC’s immunization schedule,” explains Dr. D’Ambrosio. “The schedule aligns with scientific evidence as to when to give vaccines, based on when babies and children are most vulnerable. When parents do not follow the recommended schedule, it is often harder to catch up, and requires more doctor visits and potentially more injections.” Also concerning is the fact that when vaccines are delayed in children, people who can’t be immunized are put more at risk. Even further, there is a greater risk to communities as a whole, as the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia explains that delayed vaccinations could lead to the reemergence of potentially-fatal diseases. 

Are there consequences of delayed vaccines?

The threat of the re-emergence of diseases is possibly the largest consequence of delaying vaccines, especially for children. “[If] COVID has taught us that outbreaks of infectious diseases are only a plane ride away and the best way not to get sick is to get vaccinated,” reasons Dr. D’Ambrosio. This, of course, doesn’t just apply to children; adults with delayed vaccines would be susceptible, as well. Of course, one of the most common vaccines for adults is the flu vaccine, which comes with its own set of myths. The CDC estimated 22,000 deaths in the 2019-2020 flu season from influenza—data is still being finalized—meaning that delayed flu vaccines, especially in those who are immunocompromised and/or of older age, can come with serious effects. 

Why you should prioritize the flu shot

The flu vaccine was already recommended, but with the current realities of COVID-19, the CDC notes that it is more important than ever. COVID-19 and influenza are not mutually exclusive; you can get both at the same time.  “In early winter, we worried that the flu season coupled with COVID-19 would strain hospitals,” admits Dr. D’Ambrosio. “So far, the flu season has been mild and while hospital capacity was strained after the holidays, it appears that hospitalizations are on the decline. However, the flu vaccine is still useful, as it teaches our body how to build immunity from year to year.”

How to Make Sure You’re Safely Keeping Up with Vaccines

For some, delaying vaccines isn’t related to vaccine myths; it is due to current social distancing and safety practices. It is understandable that people would want to go to a doctor’s office and risk potential exposure to the coronavirus. However, doctor’s offices have many safeguards in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 among patients and you are still encouraged to attend yearly well checks and keep vaccinations up-to-date. Dr. D’Ambrosio opines that doctors’ offices are safe, especially during the pandemic, and shares some of the practices his office has in place to help protect patients.  “Many doctors, nurses and support staff have now been vaccinated, as they have been in the vaccine priority group,” explains Dr. D’Ambrosio. “We are also taking our temperatures daily and monitoring for any symptoms. Sick patients are screened for COVID-19 symptoms and are seen via telemedicine whenever possible. Many offices have implemented well visits during the morning hours and sick visits after lunch…We’re scheduling more time in between patients and many appointments are now virtual, so that really eliminates a lot of the patient traffic in the office.” Following the recommended guidelines of wearing masks, social distancing and thorough hand washing is another way to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially at your next doctor’s visit.  Next up, read all about the COVID-19 vaccine (including why it’s safe). 


Dr. Anthony D’Ambrosio, MD, a family medicine physician at Nuvance HealthDr. Dyan Hes, MD, FAAP, Medical Director at Gramercy PediatricsCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Disease Burden of Influenza.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Seasonal Flu Shot.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Why Are Childhood Vaccines So Important?”Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Health Tip of the Week (May 21, 2020): “Why It’s Important to Be Up to Date on Vaccines.”Frontiers in Microbiology (Geoghegan, Sarah et al. March 17, 2020). “Vaccine Safety: Myths and Misinformation.” doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00372Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, In the News: “Instagram remains a hotbed of vaccine misinformation.” Staying Up to Date on Vaccines  Here s Why It s Important - 9