Host Jesse Palmer welcomed familiar faces to the Mexican beach resort as the episode opened, including Hunter from Clayton Echard’s The Bachelor season, who is best known for suffering from irritable bowel syndrome; Johnny, who romanced Gabby Windey on the just-concluded The Bachelorette season; Serene and Kira from Clayton’s season; and Brandon from Michelle Young’s Bachelorette season.

What happened in the Bachelor in Paradise premiere?

A lot, actually! Here’s a rundown of the highlights, lowlights and catfights from the premiere.

Kira could have been a porn star

Kira, a doctor, boasted to the cameras, “In another life I would have been a porn star.” Fans believed her! Taking to twitter with memes like this.

Tarzan from The Bachelorette returns

Handsome Jacob from Gabby and Rachel Recchia’s recent Bachelorette season was back flaunting his Tarzan-like physique.

This is not a popularity contest

Pot-stirrer Shanae from Clayton’s season didn’t care if the other girls didn’t like her, saying, “My focus is finding a husband.”

Freaks return

Jill, also from Clayton’s season, was ready to let her “freak flag fly,” after being too timid last time around.

Sexy single dad returns

Widower Michael, previously on bachelorette Katie’s season, said it’s difficult dating as a single dad. He’d buffed up from the last time he was on TV, Jesse noted.

It’s time for singles to mingle

All of the singles mingled after arriving in “paradise.” Teddi, who had previously shocked Clayon by saying she was a “virgin” was “hoping for the best” in trying to find love, and caught the eye of Andrew. It’s not Bachelor in Paradise without a little nudity! Jacob ran to the beach with a little piece of fabric covering his privates and everyone laughed.

Who had the first kiss on Bachelor in Paradise?

Shanae claimed she was a new person from the last time she was on the reality franchise although the other gals had their doubts. Genevieve in particular feared Shanae. Still, Genevieve made a connection with Justin, while Shanae started making out with Jacob. “We’re not having sex, Tarzan,” Shanae warned him. “Next time,” he replied.

Lace, er Luce, shows up from Bachelor in Paradise 3 shows up

When Lace from Bachelor in Paradise 3 showed up, no one knew who she was—and thought she was past her prime! “Girl, you’re done here!” Hailey snarked to the cameras.

More making out on the BIP premiere

Serene was interested in Brandon from Michelle’s season and once he arrived, they had a makeout session.

The catfights begin

Romeo told Jesse that he’d gone to school with Kira, but had his eye on Jill. He worried Kira would get in his way. In fact, as Romeo and Jill enjoyed time together, Kira stole Jill’s drink! Jill walked away angry and whined to the other women about Kira. “If she wants to go toe to toe, gloves on bitch,” Jill said in confessional.

Bachelor in Paradise rules

After Jesse gathered the whole group together, he gave them the rules: “You’re looking for a second chance at love. Find love or you will be sent home.” The host warned that new people would be coming in and there would be ruthless rose ceremonies. “Do not hesitate,” Jesse advised, mentioning previous contestants who’d found lasting partners on Bachelor in Paradise.

Who is handing out the first roses on Bachelor in Paradise?

Jesse said that the men would be handing out the first roses of the season. Although Kira found Jacob attractive, the hunk later couldn’t remember her name.

Who got the first date card on Bachelor in Paradise?

When evening fell, Andrew won the date card and chose Teddi. The two had dinner together and shared some deep conversation. As Teddi said she was open to getting engaged, he said he was feeling the same way. “Are you proposing?” Teddi playfully asked. She loved Andrew’s joyful spirit and he adored her confidence. They kissed and got into a margarita-filled hot tub (yep, you read that right) to make out some more. Meanwhile, Genevieve and Justin smooched passionately in a hot tub sans margaritas.

Lace doesn’t feel welcome on the beach

But not everyone was content in paradise. Lace retreated from the group to sulk alone in bed. “This is the worst season. How am I not being pursued? That blows my mind,” Lace ranted in confessional. Shanae told her to join the others and Lace did, pretending it was her 32nd birthday to get attention. Lace told the cameras it wasn’t really her birthday, adding, “People want to be fake in paradise? I’ll be fake, too.” She approached Logan, from The Bachelorette’s latest 19th season, and he sang her a tuneless happy birthday. “I’m not interested in anyone but you,” Lace told Logan. But after Logan called her “Luce” instead of Lace, she got offended. “I don’t know if I can get over that,” Lace told him. Although Logan apologized, Lace quickly found another guy, kissing Casey and fondling his chest! Sierra cuddled with Michael and he called her an old soul. “I could see a total future with her,” Michael said of Sierra, from The Bachelor season 26.

The claws come out on BIP season premiere

Jill was still trying to pin down Romeo, and when she asked him about Kira, he claimed they didn’t have a connection. After the two kissed, though, Kira again joined them and frustrated Jill walked away. Kira asked Romeo if she scared her while Jill whined to the other female competitors about her rival cutting in.
Romeo told Kira, “Let me pursue Jill in peace” and she agreed. But Kira told the cameras, “F— him. I just got played….I hate them.” Soon, more drama erupted on the beach as Kira and Jill argued. Jill said she’d been interrupting her and Romeo while Kira contended Jill had disrespected her. Jill stormed off while Kira said in confessional that Romeo was like a little boy. So she found someone else, cuddling with Casey of The Bachelorette season 18.
However, Jill still wasn’t over the conflict as she was shown crying in bed.
Casey commented about the cat fight, “Claws are already out.”

Who showed up at the end of the Bachelor in Paradise season premiere?

And it looked like more trouble was ahead, as Victoria from Peter Weber’s 24th season of The Bachelor suddenly sashayed onto Paradise. “Hopefully they can handle me,” she told the cameras before walking to the beach as the episode concluded.