If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. So it helps to have a cool demeanor, much like Damarr Brown. The Chicago chef admittedly felt out of his element at certain points in Top Chef. But through a supreme display of skill and a calm demeanor, he proved his pedigree against his well-regarded competition. In particular, his baking earned him high remarks, most notably Tom Colicchio remarking he made the best carrot cake he ever had. Unfortunately for Damarrr, it seems the heat of Tucson proved to overwhelm even the coolest of heads. In the last meal before the finale, his broken beans simultaneously broke his chances of making it further. But as a consolation, he currently is only one of two contestants in the running for this season’s Fan Favorite prize. Read on to hear Damarr’s thoughts on his time in the game. What compelled you to apply for Top Chef? I didn’t apply to Top Chef; a casting director reached out to me through Instagram. At first, I wasn’t sure about going on. But after some conversations with Chef Erick Williams and my team, we decided it was too big of an opportunity to pass up. You spoke initially about how you wanted to show your cooking matched up to your competitors, despite not having the same pedigree. Was there a particular point where you felt like you were able to do that? After I decided to go for it, I definitely wanted to see where I matched up against my potential competitors with my background and experience. I think many times in the competition, I was able to present strong flavors and solid techniques, especially in the carb challenge, the family-style challenge in the verbo homes, and the soul food challenge. You got a couple of opportunities to embrace Black cooking, whether it be the Nigerian food Quickfire or the Juneteenth challenge in Freedman’s Town. How did it feel to both learn more about and get to channel that on national television? It felt extraordinary to cook black food on such a large stage. When I was sharing food that I was familiar with, I was proud to share what had been passed down from my Grandmother and Mother. In challenges like the Nigerian food Quickfire, where I was unfamiliar, I was grateful for the opportunity to learn and experience. You said at one point you were holding some things back to unveil in the finals. How tough was that to do in a competition where you could go home at any time? It was very difficult to hold things back. I made some missteps and definitely played it safe on some challenges. I really wanted to get to the finale to cook the final menu, but as always, hindsight is 20/20. At the family challenge, your mother and aunt could not come for health reasons. But Erick Williams gave you a note from them that clearly moved you. Did that help fuel you the rest of the way, or pull you out of the game thinking of home? I don’t think it did either. I think the note made me think of my family and the love I have for them. It had nothing to do with my headspace after reading it. I knew what I was leaving behind when I left home, and I knew why I was doing it. I think toward the end of the competition, I made costly mistakes, and that’s what sent me home. Let’s talk about a couple of notable relationships you had on the show. You and Monique worked together a fair amount while competing. What was your dynamic like? Monique is an amazing chef, a complete badass, and still very down to earth. She’s one of those people that is so knowledgeable but completely unpretentious. I worked with a pastry chef some years ago named Lisa Bonjour; she is super talented and one of my best friends. Monique’s energy reminded me of hers, so we clicked right away. It was clear during Nick’s elimination that you two had a deep bond. Talk to me about how that developed. Nick’s a great chef. But an even better human. We developed a brotherhood right away that is something I will continue to cherish. On the morning of Restaurant Wars, Nick left handwritten letters on all of our doors, full of encouragement and excitement. He’s just that kind of person, super thoughtful and genuine. Let’s talk about the challenge that eliminated you. How much did the pressure cooker issues with your beans affect your timing and the overall execution of your dishes? It affected the dish a lot. If I were able to properly execute my beans, the dish would’ve felt more cohesive, like an actual entree. After overcooking my beans, I was in a rush to fix a problem. I spent less time finishing the dish, and it ended up being presented as more rustic than I wanted. You said in this past episode that Top Chef is a “masterclass of growth as both a chef and a human being.” How did you grow during your time on the show? I think Top Chef forced me to think about what my food is and what I want it to be in the future. Competing against so many talented chefs gave me a huge burst of confidence in a lot of areas. I’m very grateful I got the opportunity and that I was able to make it to the final four. Finally, you are currently one of two players remaining in the hunt for the Fan Favorite prize this season. How does this feel? Being one of two left for Fan Favorite is amazing. It’s validation, honestly. Before I came on the show, a lot of people told me I needed to work on smiling more or talking more, or being someone that I didn’t feel like was me. To know that I went on national television and portrayed myself as myself and it resonated with so many people is a huge reminder to simply be yourself. Next, check out our interview with Nick Wallace, who was eliminated in Top Chef Houston Episode 12.

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