We checked in with Schneider about what spoke to him about “Born at a Truck Stop.” He shares, “I am a big fan of Jacob Lyda’s writing. So when I first heard the song ‘Born at a Truck Stop’ I was immediately interested in cutting it. When I heard the chorus I knew it was something that had to be included because it’s such a great story. The magic of a great songwriter is the ability to tell a very complex long-term story in a very short amount of time and Jacob does that incredibly well.” Listen now: From iconic car chases through Hazzard County as Bo Duke from the TV show Dukes of Hazzard, to traveling across the country as a touring musician, acclaimed actor and musician John Schneider has spent years on the road. His new album, Truck On has a central theme of ‘trucking on,’ and the challenges of 2020 inspired the project. “During the pandemic, while my wife Alicia [Allain] and I were traveling the country we noticed more trucks on the road and at truck stops and at fuel pumps than ever before. It became obvious that our country runs on the shoulders of our truck drivers. We wanted to pay tribute to this truly unsung hero in our world,” Schneider says. A portion of the proceeds of Truck On will benefit St Christopher Truckers Relief Fund which helps semi-truck drivers and their families. “Truck drivers put thousands if not hundreds of thousands of miles on their trucks every year,” Schneider says. “Each one of those miles represents time away from their family. It’s important to us to be involved with Saint Christopher Truckers Fund because this is an organization that helps truckers provide for their families while they are away. It’s also a way for us to help those who have been helping us throughout these hard times.” St. Christopher’s Truckers Relief Fund helps over-the-road/regional semi-truck drivers and their families who are out of work due to a recent illness or injury including the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Assistance may be in the form of direct payment to providers for household living expenses such as rent/mortgage, utilities, vehicle payments and insurance. The SCF also provides health and wellness programs such as free vaccines and smoking cessation. Next, do people who are tone-deaf hear music differently?